Eternity – by Anderson França

Leitura: 2 min

So there I was, in the bus, in the morning, cracked on Elijah Fox, a young, and spectacular, pianist, and I was going back to the supermarket. I went there for bread and to think about Qualy butter that, according to Diana, my sister and friend, now costs the same as Aviação, the butter.

Ok, two problems: what do you mean, Qualy now makes butter? For generations, Qualy had been committed to the popular stands in the stadium of dairy products (is margarine a dairy product?), we did not have butter so we’d make do with Qualy, the heir of Claybom’s shit show.

But then, some corporate coaches came in and upgraded the branding: now we have butter Qualy.

All that free time, home office, Marcia Luz TV’s Gratefull PIX videos keep on causing irrecoverable damage on the socio-structural tissue of the shabby.

Second, 500gr of Aviação (the butter) now cost almost thirty bucks in supermarkets. And Qualy, same weight, 23.

To help you understand, I compared some butter brands that exist both in Brazil and Portugal. But first, bear in mind that in Portugal we can find great quality butter for €1,49 (R$9,23), 250g. So I chose Président. In the supermarkets I did my research in Rio, be it Carrefour, Zona Sul, or Pão de Açúcar, 200g cost R$13,00.

In Portugal, the same package is €2,14 (R$13,26). But, as it happens, here we have a plethora of good and cheap butter brands, some cost as low as one euro in promo (R$6,20 until second order), and note this: it is the same price, but in Portugal wages are paid in euro. So we are actually talking about 2 bucks.

Brazilians are buying as Europeans, but getting paid as they do in Bangu suburbs.

I went for the bus. And I looked at someone. A young one.

The sun, over their skin, lit it so evenly that I remember what it is like to be young.

Young is that space in lifespan when we do not realize time going by.

When you go out to the street, in the morning, feel the sun on the skin, and walk, peacefully, listening to music, and time has, for a while, no meaning.

Because you are young enough not to worry with the hours and the days that run through your fingers, because, in youth, days and hours are cent coins.

Being young is like being a billionaire – of time. You do not count time from 7 to 7, 30 to 30, period to period, counting how many years have gone and how many still left to have a baby. You do not count time from invoice to invoice, unpaid debt, broken deadlines, weight, glucose, heartbeats, calories in your dinner, medicine schedule,

in youth,

there is no time.

we use watches as an accessory.

When you are larger than time,

then at this time, you are young.

Enjoy. Because it will end.


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