Polyamory (LOL)

Leitura: 2 min

Ilustration by: Claudio Brites

Polyamory (LOL)

Men can’t even accept the end of a relationship, they stick a knife in their wives, they can’t even get a “no” in a nightclub, to go up for rape, they can’t even get on a bus with a woman nearby and they already jerk off in her face, but they want polyamory.

You, man, can’t even handle a relationship, you don’t have emotional responsibility with one person, you can’t have any lasting, mature relationship, not even a friendship, not even with your mother, nothing, not even a fucking mutt you have, and you think you can handle polyamory.

Polyamory begins when men stop killing women. When a woman can even live with as many men or women as she wants without being shot in her head, or being stabbed at her chest, or thrown off a building.

Come on, bro. When I see a man killing a woman, I can place myself in this structure. We all have structural responsibility for what happened to them (women). You, who are functionally illiterate, think that you have nothing to do with the latest feminicide committed by a man. Every man’s hand sticks the knife in their chest. It is structural. You wanna be polyamorous? Start by ceasing the structural violence against women and extinguishing feminicide. Rape culture. The psychological violence. The professional disadvantages. All of it. Since our gender is responsible for all this shit, we can work on that.

Starting with our re-evaluation about what kind of fucking men we are in the world. This is an inward call for conversion, for a change of path, for repentance, and practices contrary to patriarchy.

So, when we become civilized people, we will talk about polyamory.

You just wanna fuck everybody.

And that’s ok as long as everybody wants to be fucked, fine. But this has another name. Whoring.

Don’t embellish it.

You can’t handle polyamory.

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